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   Pain Relief & Sports Injuries Clinic
Therapeutic Massage

Massage can be considered a part of manual medicine and throughout history has stood independently to promote health.

Massage is used for the treatment of soft tissue injuries, to relieve stress, both muscular and mental or just simply to relax letting the body rejuvenate.

In the case of Swedish massage which is a lighter type of massage brings about and increases in blood flow, detoxifying and a general sense of relaxation and wellbeing.

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 Pain Relief & Sports Injuries Clinic





 Pain Relief & Sports Injuries Clinic




 Pain Relief & Sports Injuries Clinic

With the ever increasing pace of life, stress has become a serious issue and a major cause of illness. Taking time out for a professional massage and advice has significant benefits for you.

What can a massage do for you?

Both massage and manual therapy has been known to help many conditions both acute and chronic, including Stress / tension relief

  • Headache and migraine
  • Insomnia
  • Lack of energy
  • Neck and back Rheumatism
  • Over use and repetitive strain injuries
  • Computer induced neck and shoulder tension and depression
  • General relaxation and stress
  • Cranial Massage

Pregnancy Massage

Helps to reduce many of the mormal discomforts of pregnancy, such as physical stress on the back, neck and spin, along with leg cramps and swelling in the ankles and feet.

Enjoy all the benefits of a relaxing therapeutic massage while experiencing increased general circulation, which means greater vitality and less fatique for mom and better nourishment for her baby.

Doctors agree that a relaxed mother will have a happier, healthier pregnancy and possibly an easier childbirth experience as well.Top Of Page

Manual Lymph Drainage

A gentle maual treatment performed without oil, which improves the circulation of lymphatic fluid, reduces excess swelling, and supports immune system function.

MLD is effective in the treatment of lymphedema, post-surgical and post-traumatic swelling, sports injuries, and fibromyalgia.

It is also frequently used for detoxification and general relaxation. Top Of Page

Myofascial Therapy

An oil-free deep tissue massage suitable for people seeking reilief from chronic postural pain and lack of mobility due to soft tissue restrictions.

It is slow and anatomically specific, effectively aiding in decompression and realignment of the body for optimal balance and well being.Top Of Page

For More Information Please Contact Lorcan Twomey Click Here
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