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Rehab Exercises

Within limits, bone has the activity to alter its strength in response to mechanical stress, when placed under stress, bone tissue becomes stronger with time, through increased deposition of mineral salts and production of collagen fibers.

Another effect of stress is to increase the production of calcitonin which inhibits bone resorption.
Without mechanical stress, bone does not remodel normally since resorption but strips bone formation.

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 Pain Relief & Sports Injuries Clinic

Removal of mechanical (pressure) stress weakens bone through demineralization (loss of bone minerlas) and collager reduction.

The Main mechanical stresses on bone are those that result the pull of skeletal muscles and pull of gravity.

If a person is bedridden or has a fractural bone in a cast, the strength of the unstressed bone diminishes.

Thats why with a therapist + personal trainer like myself, muscle athrophy (loss) will be kept to a minimum (depending on the nature of injury) and build at the muscle tissue around the site of injury everyday so there would be the same ament of stress on both side of bone, and to improve Joint mobilization, for with proper supervision and proper

  exercises the weakend bone might be put under unnatural stress and reform diffrentialy to before injury this causing skeletal and muscle discomfort.

Weight bearing atirities (properly supervised) such as walking or moderate weight lifting, help build and retain bone mass.

For More Information Please Contact Lorcan Twomey Click Here

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