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   Pain Relief & Sports Injuries Clinic
Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy such as Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) is a manipulative treatment which is used to strengthen weak muscles, improve musculo-skeletal disfunction and mobilise joints in which movement is restricted.

M.E.T's are most beneficial when combined with deep tissue massage, realising the trigger points resulting in a longer release of pain and range of movement within the joints and tissues.


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 Pain Relief & Sports Injuries Clinic



Manual TherapyThe Computerised exercise programme which accompanies this type of treatment as with massage/Bowen and electro therapy, helps you to maintain a balance in muscle strength and flexibility, to increase healing time and helps you maintain a good postural correction, which 80% of aches and pains (that are not a result of traumatic stress or physical injury) are usually due to poor posture.

So with a treatment, exercise programme and professional advice this helps you maintain your health and wellbeing

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